Observer / Pub Sub
Observer design pattern in JavaScript, Also known as Pub/Sub pattern short for publication/subscription. If you are subscribed to the publication and if something is published in the publication it will notify the subscriber.
A subscription model in which an object subscribes to a host and the host notifies the object whenever an event occurs is known as the observer pattern. It is one of the important pillars of event-driven programming and JavaScript is one of the most popular event-driven programming languages.
Eg: When a click event is triggered you can access the event object to get all the event details about the click like its position on the screen, etc. You can also remove the listener (unsubscribe) to stop listening if you want.
function Events() {
this.subscriptionList = new Map();
this.subscriptionListOnce = new Map();
this.subscriptionListOnceAsync = new Map();
this.subscribe = function (event, cb) {
if (!this.subscriptionList.has(event)) {
this.subscriptionList.set(event, []);
const existingCallbacks = this.subscriptionList.get(event);
this.subscriptionList.set(event, [...existingCallbacks, cb]);
return {
remove: () => {
const existingCallbacks = this.subscriptionList.get(event);
const newCallbacks = existingCallbacks.filter(
(callback) => callback !== cb
this.subscriptionList.set(event, newCallbacks);
this.subscribeOnce = function (event, cb) {
if (!this.subscriptionListOnce.has(event)) {
this.subscriptionListOnce.set(event, []);
const existingCallbacks = this.subscriptionListOnce.get(event);
this.subscriptionListOnce.set(event, [...existingCallbacks, cb]);
this.subscribeOnceAsync = function (event) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (!this.subscriptionListOnceAsync.has(event)) {
this.subscriptionListOnceAsync.set(event, [resolve]);
const existingCallbacks = this.subscriptionListOnceAsync.get(event);
this.subscriptionListOnceAsync.set(event, [
this.publish = function (event, ...args) {
const callbacks = this.subscriptionList.get(event) || [];
callbacks.forEach((callback) => {
callback.apply(this, args);
const onceCallbacks = this.subscriptionListOnce.get(event) || [];
onceCallbacks.forEach((cb) => {
cb.apply(this, args);
this.subscriptionListOnce.set(event, []);
const onceAsyncCallbacks = this.subscriptionListOnceAsync.get(event) || [];
onceAsyncCallbacks.forEach((cb) => {
cb.apply(this, args);
this.subscriptionListOnceAsync.set(event, []);
this.publishAll = function (...args) {
for (let [key, value] of this.subscriptionList.entries()) {
value.forEach((cb) => {
cb.apply(this, args);
const events = new Events();
const newUserWelcomeSubcription1 = events.subscribe("new-user", (name) => {
console.log("1: Welcome to the app", name);
events.publish("new-user", "Arjunan");
const newUserWelcomeSubcription2 = events.subscribe("new-user", (name) => {
console.log("2: Welcome to the app", name);
events.publish("new-user", "John");
events.publish("new-user", "Marty");
events.subscribeOnce("sub-once", (name) => {
console.log("Can be published once", name);
events.publish("sub-once", "Kevin");
events.publish("sub-once", "Kevin");
events.subscribeOnceAsync("sub-async").then((val) => {
console.log("This is Async Once Subscription of", val);
events.publish("sub-async", "Async Kevin");
// 1: Welcome to the app Arjunan
// 1: Welcome to the app John
// 2: Welcome to the app John
// 2: Welcome to the app Marty
// 2: Welcome to the app Everyone
// Can be published once Kevin
// This is Async Once Subscription of Async Kevin