Single Responsibility Principle

In the following example, It violates Single Responsibility Principle.

All classes, modules, functions anything which can be put into a single part should have One Single Responsibility. It should have one reason to change in future.

Here this CalorieTracker class changes if we change how we track calories or we decided to change how we log calorie surplus.

class CalorieTracker {
  constructor(maxCalories) {
    this.maxCalories = maxCalories;
    this.currentCalories = 0;

  addCalories(count) {
    this.currentCalories += count;
    if (this.currentCalories > this.maxCalories) {

  logCalorieSurplus() {
    console.log("Max Calories exceeded");

const calorieTracker = new CalorieTracker(2000);
calorieTracker.addCalories(700); // Max Calories exceeded

Now CalorieTracker has one reason to change, if we decide to change how we track calories.

If we want to change how we log messages, we change logger.js implementation.

// logger.js
export default function logMessage(message) {
  // Email the user in future instead of console.log(message)

// calorie-tracker.js
import logMessage from "./logger.js";

class CalorieTracker {
  constructor(maxCalories) {
    this.maxCalories = maxCalories;
    this.currentCalories = 0;

  addCalories(count) {
    this.currentCalories += count;
    if (this.currentCalories > this.maxCalories) {
      logMessage("Max Calorie exceeded");

const calorieTracker = new CalorieTracker(2000);
calorieTracker.addCalories(700); // Max Calorie exceeded